Value Methodology Fundamentals 1

About SAVE International

SAVE International®, is the premier and sole international society devoted to advancing and promoting the Value Methodology (VM). It offers various education and networking opportunities.

Course Description

This workshop acquaints the participants with the value methodology and its function oriented decision-making process.

Value Methodology (VM) is a practical body of knowledge that provides a proven means for improving projects.

The course also defines the steps required to apply a value analysis/Value Engineering on different types of projects using case studies and supplemental discussion related to various industries.

Course Objectives

  • To understand what value engineering actually entails, and how it can be best implemented.
  • To debate and define the methodology, various powerful tools and solutions that value engineering utilizes in enhancing projects’ and products’ value.
  • To increase your knowledge and skills of value improvement and cost reduction for products, projects, and process.
  • To create an improvement in value thinking culture through enhanced creativity.

Who Should Attend ?

Individuals planning to become a Value Methodology Associate (VMA) or Certified Value Specialists (CVS®) are encouraged to attend. 

Attendees may include corporate leadership, engineers of all types, marketing, finance, quality & manufacturing disciplines.

Strengths Of This Course

  • Becoming eligible for Value Methodology Associate (VMA) exam and international certification from SAVE International after a fast paced 32 hours course.
  • Equip yourself with a vital application (value methodology) that is in high demand by various clients, and has a high-level competency respected in the market place.
  • Learning VE secrets and professional tools to get you started with the journey of reducing projects’ costs without sacrificing the quality.
  • Learning a technique has demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing the project’s value and optimizing life-cycle cost.
  • The workshop is practical, so you’ll learn something that is not academic or book knowledge and gain actual practical experience using what you learn.